15 March 2011

Is It Springing Yet?

It is.  It just isn't the wand waiving, kind of *BAM* experience we sometimes wish it was.  And it IS happening! It's actually starting to smell like Spring.

We've hit the Ides of March, Daylight Savings Time, Pi Day, and we're less than a week away from the Vernal Equinox.

We are getting there.  I promise.

Proof?  You need Proof?  Let's see what I've got.

The cold frame is now planted withTennis Ball Lettuce, Apollo Arugula,  America Spinach, Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce and Chives

Grape Hyacinths (Muscari) are coming up all over the flower bed.  There were 13 at this morning's count.

Tulips poking their shy little selves through the soil.  Any bets on color?

Check out our lovely garlic too. It's been nicely buried under leaves all Winter, and is still surrounded by leaves to protect it.

What wonderful signs of Spring!

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