21 March 2011

Happy Spring

These babies (left) are coming up in our raised bed.  This last week has been warmer and we had rain over the weekend so our seeds are sprouting!  Our greens are growing - and I'm betting these are spinach, but I'll have to wait till they get their true leaves to be sure.  I planted, but didn't jot down what got planted where (some might see this as a cardinal sin of gardening, not writing down EVERYTHING, but ehh, I'm not worried).

And these little lovelies (below) are getting taller and stronger in our cold frame.  It's so exciting to see the ground springing to life this first day of SPRING.  I was walking around BAREFOOT today, and my feet were so happy to be touching the grass, which is getting greener, and will soon be getting ripped up (at least some of it) to make room for more garden beds.

The tulips (right) are much bigger than last week, and we have a daffodil that has emerged as well.  There's just one right now, but hopefully we'll see more soon.  We must have planted them a little deeper than they should have been planted last fall.
And here are our strawberries greening up again in the raised bed.  It's their second year so we should have a decent crop, or least enough for a couple of bowls of ice cream!  That's the rain barrel in the background, which always fills up so much faster than I think it will.

And then there's my Meyer Lemon Tree - it has new leaves by leaps and bounds and we should see some lemons in 5 months or so!

And yes, I did follow my own advice with garden decision making and planning.  I sat down on the floor with a friend last week and we plowed through seed catalogs and found veggies and herbs that we loved and names we were excited about.  We should have seeds in the next week, give or take.  

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