10 July 2011

Lots of Green Orbs

Our Yarden is changing so much every day.  I keep checking our tomatoes and watering as they need.  We've had a dry spell here and they've been getting water from the rain barrel, and now the hose every two to three days.  We planted 20 plants in a small south facing bed and they are loving it there.  They have so much solar gain with our house that is brick just behind them.  There's nothing edible yet, but in the next week I'm betting on some deeelish treats!
Sun Gold
Ity bity Sun Gold and blossoms.
Tiny Tomato
Little Yellow Pear 
Also, my Meyer Lemon Tree is starting to make cute little buddies.  There are 4 small, green lemons on a branch.  It has begun living out on the front porch as well.  Our hot humid weather is just what it loves and as long as the wind stays down, it is going to continue to stay out there.  
No they're not limes, silly!

09 July 2011

Paris Market and German Red

Paris Market Carrots
German Red Garlic
German Red Garlic minced on grilled pizza, mozzarella cheese, onions, yellow summer squash, and orange pepper with sourdough crust.

08 July 2011

Garlic. Radishes. Yup.

We picked scapes nearly a month ago.  It's really getting close to harvesting. Garlic is a Fall plant, Summer harvest guy.  You need to get it in the ground before the ground is so frozen solid you can't dig into it.  I'll do more on garlic planting as the time comes.  In mid June-ish garlic will shoot up scapes.  This is what would produce seeds, and yeah, you could grow garlic from the seeds, but it would take you a LONG time before you got a decent head of garlic (Garlic is planted by dividing the head into cloves and planting the cloves.  Each clove will produce it's own head.  Magic!)  So we take the scapes off when they've got about 2 curls in them.  ROAST em up and eat away.  
Radishes are just so pretty!