09 August 2011


For a Midwesterner there's nothing like a drop in humidity to boost your mood.
Zulu Prince Daisy
It's like a collective sigh of relief has been issued by everyone living under this "Sweat Ceiling" (think debt ceiling pun - thanks NPR).  Windows are WIDE open and attitudes have been shifted.
Our yarden is doing well.  I've planted a late crop of beets and carrots, just before the rain yesterday, and this weekend I hope to get in another go of beans and peas.
Cucumbers are producing like mad, and remember those lovely green orbs (tomatoes) in my last post?  Well, thankfully a friend and I planted the same varieties, because, roofers don't seems to give a sh*t about protecting tomatoes.  Our 20 plants were smashed, and have since been ripped out.  We have transplanted a few from previously mentioned friend's yard- though I'm not sure that that is what tomatoes want this late in the season.
toes in the soil

Now onto the rest of  eye candy.
Blacktail Mountian Watermelon

Never too many Zinnias

Another beautiful watermelon
Drying Garlic