Your garden has to start with seeds, for things you're not planning to put seeds in the ground or start inside, find starts from a local farm that does this, or your farmer's market. Seed catalogs loads of fun to look and dream your way through. Reality has to settle in there somewhere too, but look through and find what you want to try this year and go for it. Our smattering include catalogs from Seed Savers Exchange, Johnny's Seeds, Jung Seeds & Plants, Seeds of Change, and Burpee. I know there were others too, but too many choices make me nutto so some had to be purged.
Really the best advice that I can share is to find plants that make you crazy excited to get out in your yard and start there. Some things will work smashingly and other will probably flop - too much rain, not enough rain, too hot, not hot enough, all of these things can and will impact your garden, but for the love of pete, just get out there and go for it. Get a lovely note book and jot things down as you go so you have a reference for next year and get (or borrow from the library until you figure out which ones you like) some solid gardening books.
It's time to get the ball rolling! Grab a friend a pencil and paper and make some fun and rewarding decisions. (You could add into that mix some tea or coffee, or if you're really adventuresome some beers, and in my experience chocolate almost always helps the situation.)
I'm planning to follow my own advice tomorrow afternoon.
I'm excited to live in a real house so I can start gardening, and then I'll re-read your blog all over again!